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Funding Education Overseas

Funding Education Overseas

Ken and Marilyn Fast spent 37 years working and serving at Pan American Christian Academy (PACA) in Sao Paulo, Brazil. During their time there, Ken was a teacher, coach and athletic director. Marilyn was a teacher and cheerleading coach. At PACA, students had the opportunity to attend sports tournaments but some families could not always afford the tournament registration fees. Ken felt it was important for the students to compete, so part of his job was to raise funds for the registration fees of the tournaments.

The Fasts recently updated their estate plan with the help of MB Foundation. Their gift establishes an Endowment after they pass away that will provide ongoing funding to help students at PACA attend sports tournaments. Because of Ken and Marilyn's rich history with PACA and their passion for youth, they decided to use some of their current investments to establish the Endowment NOW to assist current students at PACA. After Ken and Marilyn pass away, additional funds from their estate will be added to their Endowment to create a larger gift and continue their legacy of ministry to PACA students and families.

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